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9 Ways To Get Glowing Skin Without Using Peels

Posted by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin on Apr 30, 2015

Glowing skin without peeling

by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin. 

When it comes to getting great skin easily and at home, nothing comes close to giving yourself a safe, easy, and appropriate peel for your skin type. But until you feel ready for peels you CAN get your skin to glow with other products. Here are some ways you might like to try:

  1. It all starts with exfoliation. Dead skin cells dull the skin and don’t reflect light. So cleanse and use a great all-around exfoliating scrub like the Diamond Dermabrasion with small crystals and mild acids to smooth and brighten the skin.
  2. A good mask can boost the exfoliation, and a good one that will NOT irritate your skin is the Antioxidant Enzyme Mask.Because it is virtually impossible to “over-do it” with enzymes, they are a safe choice for all skin types.
  3. Rinse with cold water. Your grandma was right about this one, too—the cold tightens your pores and puts a little color on your face. And if you can bear it, a cold rinse after your shampoo will make your hair shiny, too.
  4. Moisture. You need to be sure to drink lots of water to stay properly hydrated on the inside. For the outside, choose a great moisturizer that is just right for your skin. If your skin is sensitive you might like the Advanced Care Moisturizer. You’ll find lots of hydrating ingredients in the Basics Day Cream.
  5. For nearly three decades, dermatologists have recommended glycolic lotions to patients to improve the skin, and if you are new to them, start with a lower percentage like the Glycolic Hyaluronic Serum in the 15% strength. Eventually, your skin should build up tolerance (a good thing!) and you can move up to a stronger percentage. Once you feel comfortable with glycolic and see the benefits (you will!) you might then wish to try some mild peels—starting with glycolic lotions are a common and great way to get your skin in shape so you can move up to more exciting and effective treatments that will give you even better results.
  6. Consider adding a retinoid to your routine, such as the prescription Retin-A, or a high-quality non-prescription retinol such as the Retinol Molecular Serum. Retinoids are vitamin-A derivatives and work to cleanse the pores, reduce acne and fine lines, boost collagen and improve overall texture and tone. This is not a quick-fix like skin peels; it takes some weeks for retinoids to show their wonderfulness and improvements continue over time. But for real benefits that last, retinoids are well worth it. The difference between prescription and non-prescription retinoids are mostly a matter of strength: You’re less likely to become highly irritated by the Retinol Molecular Serum as you could with Retin-A, and thus, your skin will adapt to it more quickly.
  7. Makeup. Some makeup favorites of mine that give a wash-off glow include Nars Illuminator in the color “Orgasm” (hey—I didn’t name it!). This is meant to go lightly on the cheeks and brow bone for a sheer highlight of color. For highlighters in general, look for a “champagne” color because they look good on every skin tone. For an all-over glow that is also sheer, Smashbox Photo Finish Luminizing cream can be used alone or under foundation. For more coverage with a dewy finish, try Clinique’s Supermoisture Makeup.
  8. Exercise and sex. It is well-known that among all the other health benefits that exercise provides for you, it is also good for the skin! Even mild exercise gets your blood circulating and puts some color in your cheeks that can last for hours. And sex and exercise have added benefits of releasing feel-good endorphins and other hormones; and when you feel good, you look good!
  9. Smile and Fall in Love! There is nothing like romance in your life to give your face a glow. But because this is not possible for everyone all the time, go back and consider options 1 – 8 !

glowing skin

Finally: If you enjoy the results of these suggestions and all goes well with the Glycolic Hyaluronic Serum—you should be ready to try a mild peel to take the glow to the next level. After all, you can always test a peel on a small spot on your jawline or inner arm to see how it feels—I promise, your face will NOT melt off! Start with either The 1-4-All Peel which is layer-able (one layer being very mild, each additional layer adding strength) so you can discover which strength works best for you; or the Salicylic Acid Peel in the 3% strength is another good, mild choice.

You can always call Platinum Skin Care for guidance, too!

Where can I buy Dana's Book?

The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin, available as a Kindle download or Buy paperback to buy your paperback copy from Platinum Skin Care. You can also read the first chapter--FREE--by click here to read 1st chapter.

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