The Beauty - And Health Benifits - of Glycolic Acid
Posted by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin on Jan 01, 2015
Are you a hold-out?
One of those people who say, "No way will I ever put anything with acid on my face!" Gasp! You are prejudiced against acids? No, you aren't: You eat lemons, oranges and other fruits and veggies that contain large concentrations of citric acid ; pregnant women are encouraged to take folic acid supplements to assure a healthy baby; and amino acids, linoleic and omega fatty acids are necessary for all-around good health.
"But this is my face," you say. Look, I'm not suggesting you use battery acid! The benefits of using products with glycolic acid will not only improve the look of your skin, but lots of research shows that used appropriately, it can help prevent certain types of skin cancer by providing exfoliation of the skin and helping to reverse some sun damage. Would nearly every dermatologist in the world encourage use of glycolic acid products if it were bad for the skin? In fact, glycolic acid is one of the first products doctors reach for when you go to their offices looking for improved skin; as do skin salons.
Why pay hundreds of dollars?!?
But why pay hundreds of dollars to have them tell you what I'm telling you right now? You can use glycolic products--and even stronger types of acids--safely in your own home. Glycolic acid is a great place to start your at-home treatment plans because it is easily tolerated by most skin types with almost zero risk if used properly.
Platinum Skin Care sells many different types of cosmeceutical acids, but today, we are focusing on glycolic acid because it's a good basic acid and appropriate for nearly every skin type.
What can I expect?
Here is what you can expect--fairly quickly--from regular use of glycolic acid products: Smaller pores; brighter skin; smoother, exfoliated skin; lessening of fine lines and discoloration; improvement of mild acne; and over-all improvement of skin tone. It is also used for treating mild rosacea.
Because there are so many products to choose from, it can seem confusing trying to decide which one is right for you. Drugstore and department store cosmetic companies have products that contain glycolic acid, but the percentage used is too small to see much improvement in your skin. Those companies keep the levels small because they don't want to have to write an article--like this one--explaining how to use glycolic products that are stronger, and what sort of side-effects may appear that are NORMAL when you first start using glycolic acid.
So, I'll tell you right now: When you first start using a good glycolic acid product, you might get some temporary redness after a few evenings (you won't get peeling unless you use a very strong product). As your skin adjusts to the product, that side effect will disappear. Besides, if you do get some irritation, stop using the product for a few days, or use a less-potent preparation. And once your skin does adjust, you can try stronger products that will provide even greater improvement and exfoliation.
Help! What should I choose?
Be sure to follow the directions of the product you purchase, and everything will go smoothly. Now, I'll make it really easy for you to choose a product:
If you are new to glycolic acid, or if you have very sensitive skin, try starting with a mild face-wash with glycolic acid as your first product. Platinum Skin Care's Revitalyzing Glycolic Cleanser contains 10% Glycolic acid (the verified user reviews tell you how amazing it is, too!) You can also get a sample size of this cleanser.
If you have normal skin and want to see results with very little chance of any side-effects, you want the 15% Glycolic Hyaluronic Serum, Trial sizes are also available. You might like to use every-other-night to start, then progress to every evening.
And from there, the world of beautiful skin opens up to you! You can progress to stronger percentages of glycolic acid products at Platinum Skin Care, including peels that are identical or better than expensive skincare salons and doctors' offices provide! Your skin will be your guide and will "tell" you when it is time to go stronger--or to stay at the level you are at.
Hint: When you are ready to try your first peel, there are lots of great choices. And that can be confusing, too. One easy way to start is with one of our new products, the 1-4-All Peel by The Skin Regime: Applying one layer provides a very mild peel, and each additional layer you apply increases the strength.
As with every new product you use--do a patch test on your arm or jawline for at least a few hours to rule out any allergies and such. And follow the directions of the product you choose: Some products are supposed to be left on, some to be rinsed off. And always use sunscreen on treated skin; whether you use glycolic acid or not, it is the most vital first line of anti-aging defense!
Where can I buy Dana's Book?
The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin, available as a Kindle download or Buy paperback to buy your paperback copy from Platinum Skin Care. You can also read the first chapter--FREE--by click here to read 1st chapter.
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