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​Helping others (even if money is tight)

Posted by Dana Ramos, author The Skin Regime: Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin on Nov 01, 2017

Helping Others

Talking about skincare seems a rather trivial as I watch the heartbreaking news of the tragedy in Texas caused by Hurricane Harvey. In fact, whenever I read or watch the news I am reminded of the line, “There but for the Grace of God, go I.”

We have all faced difficult or tragic times and some people have dealt with worse circumstances than others, while others seem to lead charmed lives. Life can be capricious and unfair. How we cope when we are dealt a terrible blow in life varies from person to person and can completely alter the path of our lives. But one thing is perfectly clear: We need other to get through, more often than not. Of course, there are those who create their own difficult circumstances and do little to extricate themselves from them, but the vast majority of life’s tragedies are caused either by other people, or, as in the case of Hurricane Harvey, by Earth’s natural occurrences—and few of us can get through without the help of our friends, family and even perfect strangers.

Money is tight for a lot of people, especially if they are struggling through their own difficulties. It’s not always possible for many of us to help with money, and indeed, money cannot cure a lot of problems or remove the lingering horror of tragedy. If you can donate to help the American Red Cross ( link: )—which, by the way, is NOT a government organization and is supported almost totally by volunteers and donations—please consider going to their website and giving even the smallest amount. (And beware fraudulent phone calls and or websites or social media posts claiming to be part of some organization helping out. Unfortunately, there are lots of unscrupulous people who take advantage of tragedies to enrich only themselves).

But if donating money is not an option, you can give in so many other ways: Thousands of people organize to give items in collections for food, clothing and other necessities for disasters, and thousands more get on trains, planes and automobiles and head out to affected areas to lend a helping hand in rebuilding, or just to provide emotional support.

Emotional support is critical during these times and you don’t need any special training to just lend an ear to someone suffering a loss. Don’t wait for them to call or ask for support; take the initiative and reach out. It is best to simply let them talk and not talk about your own past or current troubles. If someone isn’t able to speak about their loss or pain, hold their hand, or give them a hug or just be there—your kind presence says a lot; people need to know that there are others who care and are available, even if words fail them.

Do not give advice on religion or how you or others you know got through your own troubled times, or how the suffering person must stay “strong”; people in the throes of suffering don’t need to hear your beliefs or how they must “be brave”—they are unable to feel much of anything at first except, “How do I make it through the day?” Just listen and ask what, if anything, you might be able to do to help them.

If you feel alarmed about what someone is saying—for instance, if they are talking about ending their lives or hurting themselves, or they are not taking any steps at all to help themselves—you must report this to their closest family or local professionals who can step in and give more help. Keep in mind that tragedy can mentally unhinge some people and they might not be in their right minds—and if they were depressed before, a big blow can send them over the edge. Take them to a hospital for evaluation if necessary or call their nearest Adult Protection Services—or even the local police department who can do a “welfare check” on the person and take further action.

Even the smallest kind or helpful gesture can change someone else’s life for the better—or even save a life.

In closing, I want to say a prayer and thank everyone who is working so hard to help in whatever way they can for all those currently in terrible circumstances in the areas effected by Hurricane Harvey—and indeed, whenever they see people in trouble. This goes for everyone in the medical and military professions, the police and fire departments, and all the volunteers and “plain ordinary folks” who do whatever they can for others, even often risking their own lives.

Where can I buy Dana's Book?

The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin, available as a Kindle download or Buy paperback to buy your paperback copy from Platinum Skin Care. You can also read the first chapter--FREE--by click here to read 1st chapter.