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TCA + Vitamin A Dream Peel Finishing Layer Application Tutorial | Photos | How to

TCA + Vitamin A Dream Peel Finishing Layer Application Tutorial | Flaking Peeling Photos | How to

Purchase TCA 13% peel here. We suggest the 1oz. box with 6 bottles inside. With a 2 layer peel you will get approximately 2 peels per bottle for a total of about 24 peels in that box. 

Purchase your Dream Peel here. With only a single application, you will get about 20 peels from a single bottle. 



Hi there. It’s Jennifer again. Today I am going to do something super cool. I am going to perform a step-by-step demo of a TCA peel and then finish it off with our new Vitamin A Dream Peel for extra flaking. I am excited to show you the process… so, let’s get started! 

First things first. Why would you want to add on vitamin A to a tca peel? 

This is an easy one. We have used our Luminosity .50% Retinol for several months now as a Peel Booster for our TCA and Jessners peels. What it does is help your skin start the peeling process a bit more quickly and then it also helps the skin to flake more aggressively. Many of our customers see a big difference when adding on the layer of vitamin A. 

Luminosity versus Dream Peel application?

There is a big difference with applying Luminosity as opposed to the Dream peel. With Luminosity, you rinse your TCA or Jessners, apply the serum and then do it again for the next few days – or until your skin starts flaking. 

With Dream Peel this is a 1X shot ONLY. You will do your peel, rinse and then apply the Dream Peel. For the remaining time after your peel you will use healing items only. NEVER any more vitamin A. 

Let’s get going. … I have my manual and know that Step 1 is to wash my face with a good deep cleanser. My skin is oily/acne, so I am going to use our AB Cleanser. 

Let me go take care of that. 


Ok, I am back with freshly cleansed skin. Time for step 2 which is stripping the skin. I have our Prep B Solution here.. but, if you don’t have that, a 90% or 99% alcohol will work just fine.

  1. Go over your skin like you would a toner. Apply to every area that you want to do the peel on today.
  2. Let that air dry for a few seconds and you are ready to apply your TCA peel.

**Here is a little memo for the “Glove Police” … LOL… Usually I do not wear gloves for application… but then your fingers CAN peel. So, if you want to avoid that – wear gloves for the process. I will make everyone happy here to day and use them. 

I am applying the 13% today. We will see how many layers I can get to.

I am going to take a second here to REALLY reiterate how WET this pad is supposed to be – as many of you might be applying it too dry. 

We want it WET … but not dripping wet. The way I like to get this to be JUST RIGHT is by saturating my gauze here and then giving it a little squeeze. 

The gauze we have is thin… so I like to use 2 of them together. This works great for me. 

Now, I am going to apply the acid everywhere I want to peel. 

As always, we are going to wait 5 minutes for the skin’s proteins to coagulate and for the TCA to neutralize. 

Why 5 minutes? … We don’t know exactly how long it takes for everyone’s skin to process – so we like to give it a full 5 minutes. Some may happen in lesser time, but always wait to be 100% sure before applying the next layer or rinsing. OK?


Now that 5 minutes has gone by its time to evaluate my skin. 

You want to check for things like frosting *That white haze that shows up sometimes* 

If you see a tiny bit you are good to apply another layer – but if your face were to turn white white… then you definitely want to stop, rinse and then apply products.

 I am good… so I am going to apply a 2nd layer. 

Notice that you do NOT rinse in between TCA or Jessners layering. 

Apply as normal and wait again.


Now we are going to rinse with ICE cold water to soothe the skin. Then just pat it dry. 

Now its Dream Peel time. 

We do want to be sure to avoid the eye area, so apply some vaseline to the eye area and also around the mouth corners and lips if you wish. 

We only need a small amount here. I am going to get 1 pump. 

Apply to your face and then VOILA … we are done. 

If you are doing this at night, go to bed and have sweet dreams.


If you are doing this peel during the day, … leave the Dream Peel on for about 6 hours or so and then rinse.

After rinsing you can apply your normal healing products such as our Healing oil or Emu oil or even our new CANNA with CBD. All are great for healing your skin


I will check back in a couple of days with some photos so we can see how the flaking is going. 

When I am all done with this I will let you know how I think the peeling went with this extra layer.

Jen loved doing both of the peels together. She got more peeling with the combination and it started flaking earlier... it did not END earlier though. She flaked all the way through the 7-8 day mark with some lingering dry patches that were removed with the Antioxidant Enzyme mask and Acne Diamond Dermabrasion scrub.