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Best Beauty Tips From The Staff

Posted by Posted by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin. on May 06, 2016

Best beauty secrets

Sharing our best secrets with you

Staff’s favorite beauty tips and products

Posted by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin. 

I asked some of the gals at Platinum Skincare to give me their favorite personal beauty tips and secrets and very favorite Platinum products—to share with you.

We all agreed that it’s easy to reveal our best beauty tips, but not so easy to decide on our favorite Platinum Skincare products because—honestly?—there are so many great products we can’t live without. It’s like asking to name your favorite song or movie, and just when you say, It’s a Wonderful Life is your favorite movie, you remember how much you loved the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

…Anyway, some days we love one product for one skin need, and other days, we love a different product for a different concern. At least for right now, here are what we consider our must-have products—but keep in mind that we might decide tomorrow that we can’t live without one of the others we use!

I’ll get the ball rolling. One my favorite beauty tips is using good old-fashioned baking soda to brush my teeth every so often because it provides extra scrubbing power to remove plaque. I also use baking soda for an extremely mild facial scrub; the super-fine grit gives a teensy bit of exfoliation, but you have to work very quickly before the grittiness dissolves.

As the Founder of The Skin Regime products which are also sold at Platinum Skincare—I am naturally going to name one of mine as “favorite products”, right? But the truth is that the very first The Skin Regime product—the 1-4-All Peel is my favorite and I can’t live without it. Jen, the Founder of Platinum Skincare, helped design and produce the 1-4-All Peel, and it meets the same high standards Jen demands of all products sold at Platinum Skincare. I love it because it can be layered it for a mild, medium, or strong peel.

Best beauty secrets

I also love and use many of Platinum’s products and I asked myself, “If I were going to live on a deserted island and could only take two, which would they be?” Well, I’d take Cotz Sunscreen, of course—but I refuse to count that as one of the two since it is a desert island and sunscreen is a gimme. As for the other two (to go along with the other gimme of the 1-4-All Peel) I’d have to say Emu Oil because it is so incredibly versatile not only as a moisturizer for skin, but also as a hair conditioning treatment, a cuticle oil, a lip moisturizer, and it has anti-inflammatory properties (so if I accidentally forget to apply the Cotz sunscreen on the island, I can use it for the sunburn). My other favorite is Glycolic Hyaluronic Serum because of the fab benefits for all kinds of skin concerns that glycolic acid provides—acne control, pore minimizing, fine-line minimizing, improved skin tone and texture—combined with the excellent moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid.

Dora of Platinum Skincare revealed a couple of her beauty secrets: “I have long thick hair. However, I noticed that my hair seemed to be thinning out a bit. Every time I shampooed, I noticed quite a bit of hair on the shower drain. I'm sure this is due to hair coloring monthly, curling, flat ironing, etcetera. So I started using Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner and I also started taking Biotin Supplements nightly. Within two weeks, I noticed I was losing less hair and my hair feels fuller and healthier!”

As for her two favorite Platinum Skin Care Products: “Definitely, the Eye Duo,” she said. The Duo consists of the Eyelift Xpress Caffeine eye roller and Platinum Eyes Restoration therapy cream. “I LOVE these two products and I cannot go without them,” she confessed. “I apply the Eyelift Xpress first on freshly cleansed skin and follow with the Eyes Restoration. I use them morning and night—they help combat the aging process, that is for sure, and also help with my puffy allergy eyes. Both products help to reduce swelling within about hour of application. They are amazing!”

uses for coconut oil

Platinum Skincare Staffer, Danielle, said, “I love coconut oil. I do coconut oil pulling for my teeth [rinsing and swishing thoroughly]. It helps to remove tarter, plaque and coffee stains. I do this about two or three times a week.” She also revealed that her two favorite Platinum products are Vitamin B Complex and High Octane Vitamin C. She says she loves how they make her skin feel: “The B Complex leaves my skin so soft and the Vitamin C makes it feel silky smooth.”

Samantha at PSC said: “All of my beauty tips somehow involve a Platinum product! I'm really big into working out, so I guess I could say that exercise along with eating right and a good skin care regime help me create balanced health and happiness.” Her favorite two Platinum products are the Vitamin B Complex and the Diamond Dermabrasion. The B Complex helps to keep her skin hydrated and smooth. And here is another good idea she shared: “I put the Diamond Dermabrasion on my Clairsonic brush to really exfoliate all the dead skin off.”

PSC staffer, Stacey, said she also uses coconut oil in her beauty routine: “After I use my usual Platinum Skincare products, I then apply coconut oil to my face before applying makeup foundation—it makes an awesome primer because it's waxy.” Her favorite Platinum products are the High Octane Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid, and Emu Oil, because, as she said, “They are all great for anti-aging and work great together.”

Of course, even Jen, the Founder of Platinum Skincare, also has beauty secrets and personal favorites among her own products, and she ‘fessed up: “Ok, my absolute NEED is a daily preventative dose of the mineral Selenium. I am very involved with natural health care and supplements and I make sure to take extra Selenium every day to help prevent breast cancer.” Jen takes this very seriously as she does with her entire body and skin health so she provided a short video taken of Dr. Glidden that talks about Selenium and how it can reduce breast cancer up to 80% or more: Click Here to Learn About Selenium and Breast Cancer

As for her absolute favorite Platinum products, Jen said, “The grouping in the Acne Starter Kit. Since this is my skin type, keeping my face looking great is a constant battle. Well, it USED to be. Now I use Retinol .20% every evening with Vitamin B Complex. During the day I wash with AB Cleanser and then follow with Vitamin B Complex. Of course, I also use several other Platinum anti-aging goodies, but I could NOT live without my B and Retinol! They are my acne cure!”

Explore all the Platinum and The Skin Regime products on the Platinum Skincare site, and discover your new favorites!

Where can I buy Dana's Book?

The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin, available as a Kindle download or Buy paperback to buy your paperback copy from Platinum Skin Care. You can also read the first chapter--FREE--by click here to read 1st chapter.

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